"my body was getting bigger and bigger and I felt I was pushing treacle up hill, everything was hard work irrespective of the amount of exercise I did"
Moe Whitehall's 90 Day Online Coaching Program Success - Lost 9.3kg (20.5lbs/1.5 stones)
"They say when the student is ready the teacher will appear. When I was offered the opportunity to join the online program and set my goals - it was a very emotional time and my goals were linked to those feelings.
The background.... my son aged 30, action man who likes everything sporty, had played semi pro football in his day and was recovering from ligament injury, went off to play evening football a bit of a knock about with work - he had a heart attack, chest clutching fall to the floor type. He had a 1 in 3 chance of making it - and they tell us that his fitness and age helped him.
His partner was 6 months pregnant and became quite poorly - they believed as part of the reaction to the heart attack - however things deteriorated and baby was born as an emergency via the sunroof 2 months early. Following this my son had another heart attack due to the stress of it all. Mum was being monitored in one ward, baby in intensive care and Dad (my son) in the cardio unit 35 miles away. They all made it.
I had arrived at a similar age that my Mum was when she went to heaven and this played on my mind. My only daughter has diabetes and medication was being increased. I felt my world was collapsing - because my family are my world and I felt so out of control. So I set about giving something back, stop feeling sorry for myself and get going, I enjoy physical activities so completed London to Brighton bike ride, Coast to Coast bike ride, Great South Run amongst others and all monies raised I gave to British Heart Foundation and the baby intensive care unit that looked after my granddaughter, people were incredibly generous.
However my body was getting bigger and bigger and I felt I was pushing treacle up hill, everything was hard work irrespective of the amount of exercise I did and I ate more and more porridge and jelly babies to help me on my way. I felt sad inside and out.
Then I set my goals for Ryan's online coaching program - they started off as - I want to outlive my Mum, I don't want to be on insulin, I want to live a long life......infact they were incredibly morbid. As the program progressed I re-evaluated my goals - and my final thoughts were ' I just want to be as fit and healthy as possible to face whatever life throws at me'.
The program wasn't just about exercises and eating, it was about reflecting and repositioning, it was about making life changing decisions with the support that someone cared what path you took.
I have had amazing results, I have body shape changes in different ways to previous 'diets', I stuck the 90 days weighing at the same time, same place and not peeping once, I stayed in Kg measure not really knowing what I weighed - just concentrating on the numbers going down - and go down they did.
I lost nearly 10kg, in 90 days, I was never hungry or distressed, I ate well, looked well and had great skin tone. My clothes have completely fallen off me, I have this middle bit in my body which I didn't know existed - I think if it was more polished it would be heading towards a 6 pack! I cant actually believe this is my body - its only when I go to get dressed that I realise whats occurred - even though everyone has told me, I suddenly look taller and thinner - I have always seen myself as a short round dumpy rosy cheeked Mumsy type- now the mirror says different.
I am determined to maintain discipline and continue with some of the core exercises - yes at times I hated them, but I did what I did and now I am where I am! When I needed motivating the email arrived, when I need a kick up the bum I got it, when I asked what about my carbs - I got politely told to try using the 50,000 calories that were sitting on my tummy.
I know I was told the theory of why it would work - I still believe Ryan had a bit of magic. Day in day out he was there for me. After 3 weeks I wrote this: "The program is not a walk in the park - equally it isn't impossible - but what does sound impossible is that I have dropped a clothes size in 3 weeks! I know this is every woman's dream, I have genuinely achieved it through this program. The program really works via the eworld, the videos where Ryan talks to - and with you - as you exercise, the emails which seem to be a response to what you have been thinking are really motivational. I have felt brighter, lighter, healthier and much happier in the last 3 weeks than I have in a long time - the weight loss is really awesome! Everyone should try this program, irrespective of age or sporting ability - the only barriers are in your mind and frequent emails will get you through that. I guess it goes without saying that you have nothing to loose - only weight!"
And now after 90 days - I am walking proof that you loose weight, I feel even brighter than ever and have a really great feel good factor. Stick with it guys - nothing is insurmountable - this programme puts what seems impossible in easy reach of everyone."
Moe Whitehall *