Success is nothing more than simple things practiced daily.
Here's a small selection of the clients that I've worked with over the years who were kind (and brave!) enough to share their success stories with the world (not in chronological order):

Jonny Mitchell
Love Island 2017 & Celebrity Big Brother 2018
"I was ashamed of how I looked and there is no way I would have wanted to get my top off by the pool in the Love Island villa looking like that! I was amazed what I achieved in only 12 days when I stuck with Ryan's diet and exercise guidance."
Mafalda Braga
Sales Executive
"Ryan is an amazing Personal Trainer. I've been training with him for almost 2 years now and completely changed my life."

Rob Bates
"I had a BMI of 42 and the chance of me reaching average life expectancy was 1:7. Over that time [12 months] my level of fitness has improved dramatically and I feel so much better in myself. I have now lost 41Kg (over six stone) in weight with a combination of a healthy diet and exercise. I had tried and failed before but with Ryan's help my life and health have changed dramatically for the better."

Debbie Chazen
Actress & TV Star
"Ryan is brilliant at getting you motivated, and he knows what's he talking about! I've achieved things I never thought I could. I can't recommend him more highly."

Jenny Dyer
Customer Service Agent & Mother of 4
"I was over weight, had high blood pressure and had a poor diet. The biggest challenge for me was being able to stick to a dedicated fitness regime, especially as it has been the first time in my life that I have done anything like this. [Now] I really look forward in the mornings to dressing for work and also dressing up for a night out as I can wear so much more and feel my clothes look good."
Dont wait for opportunity. Create it.

Neil Clark
Finance Manager
"I was weighing in at 118 kg following several years of no real exercise, and poor eating and drinking habits. Ryan maintained and drove my motivation through regularly amending the routine and plans. We achieved the 85 kg target a few weeks early. I have extended my life expectancy by about 15 years, enough time to get to see my grand kids."

Moe Whitehall
"My body was getting bigger and bigger and I felt I was pushing treacle up hill, everything was hard work irrespective of the amount of exercise I did. Now I cant actually believe this is my body - its only when I go to get dressed that I realise whats occurred."

Paul Fodor
Business Owner
"I just had no energy, was always out of breath and felt plain bad about myself. Today I have a 6 pack, come to love road cycling and now ride anywhere from 100km to 250km per week. I have one person to thank for this and that is Ryan."

Ann Coward
"For years, I have been saying if only I could lose a stone in weight - and now I've done it and I am slowly continuing to lose more. I have dropped 2 dress sizes and love my younger shape with flatter tummy, smaller breasts and slimmer hips."
Decide. Commit. Succeed.

Lajos Nyeki
Graffiti Artist
"I didn't know how training might work online. I didn't know if it would be effective and I was doubtful at first. Ryan was motivating, he was committed to my success. I lost 4 kilos overall and 5 cm in my waist by end of the 30 day program."

"I was unfit, obese category 2 and very unhealthy. Ryan devised a plan that was a challenge, but not too intimidating! He was really positive and encouraged me to go a little further than I thought I could. Within 2 weeks I felt different, I had much more energy to push a little harder."
Chris Page
Senior Teaching Fellow
"The size of my stomach compared to the rest of my body was troubling me, along with the "moobs" and lack of mental focus and clarity. In 5 months I lost 9 kilos of body fat, dropped over 11 cm of fat off my waist resulting in a flat stomach."

Sabi Phagura
"I knew it would be hard to find a trainer who could advise me closely on how to adapt my training and eating plan to fit my lifestyle. It didn't make an iota of difference that all the training was given via online. I seriously can't thank Ryan enough for giving me the right advice, encouragement and confidence to put myself through my first bikini fitness competition."
S"u"ccess all depends on that second letter.

Ben Green
Customer Service
"I don't find going to the gym a particularly enjoyable experienceI. I've found that the best method for me to achieve the level of fitness that i desire is to constantly set 'goals' for myself. Ryan's advise and guidance was key in this. I found Ryan's help in preparing for the half-marathon to be indispensable. With the help of Ryan i'm sure you to could achieve your goals."
Mother of 2
"The pressure was most certainly on to lose my baby weight! I started up my online training with Ryan again 8 weeks after the birth (photo on the left) and lost all of that pregnancy weight over the next 6 months ready for my wedding (photo on the right). My waist went down by 7.2cm (almost 3 inches) and I was feeling much fitter and healthier."

Bill Marshal
"Left on my own I would almost certainly have been full of excuses. I wish to acknowledge here the major part Ryan Phillips has played in my satisfying though modest achievements. Age does not seem to matter when I can begin my Triathlon life at seventy years, with a "little" help from my friend!"
Debra Bonson
English Teacher
"I was curious as to how we'd workout while not in a gym, or even in the same room together. Workouts were intense and I definitely felt them the next day. My stomach isn't bloated, and my clothes fit more comfortably. I lost 3kg, 3cm off my waist and hips and 2cm off my thighs. Ryan is different from other personal trainers I've worked with."
Do or do not. There is no try.

Don McDonald
"I thought with all my running I would automatically lose weight!!! The combination of exercise and diet change on the program has helped me lose 10% of my original weight. I no longer desire most of the rubbish I used to eat."

Mrs M
"I had already been having doubts regarding the place I'd been attending for the past 8 years so I contacted Ryan. In principle, it only took a change of mind set to effortlessly achieve what I had failed to do in the previous 8 years."

Mark Bates
Business Owner
"Many thanks to Ryan for an excellent online package. the end result for me showing, both statistically and visually, a much fitter me with a weight reduction from 106 Kg to 95 Kg."

Angela Brander
Logistics Manager
"I'd been suffering from significant lower back pain, having had a sporadic problem for about 8 years. I was also horribly overweight and generally just fed up and unhappy. Ryan worked with me on specific training to improve my leg strength, posture movement and most importantly eliminate pain in my day to day life. Now, I'm happy to say I suffer from very little back pain these days which has improved my quality of life so much. I've lost weight but I've been most impressed by the changes in my body shape, which I am so much happier with."
A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Vipul Patel
"My chronic back pain has been a huge hurdle, which had hampered my weight loss attempts in the past. Ryan's tailored training session and his ability to think on his feet has helped to strengthen my back so that I can workout with enough intensity to get great results. Over the last 9 months I have lost over 2 stone, which I had been battling for years to lose! I'm fitter, stronger, leaner and feeling great about myself!"

Nikki Cox
Horse Rider
"I wanted to fit back into my cloths and just feel more attractive. After just 16 weeks of personal training with Ryan once per week, I had lost well over a stone in weight, reducing my body fat by 7% resulting in almost 11 inches lost in total from all around my body. I also increased my leg strength by 74% which helped improve my horse riding nicely. Thanks Ryan for your help!"

Rob Lodge
Director - Swiss Re
"Ryan has developed a programme tailored to my needs and harnessed my competitive spirit again. This guy really knows his stuff on all fronts, fitness, nutrition and physiology which combines to give a really effective and enjoyable programme. He's not your stereotypical personal trainer."

Sian Davies
Manager Vodafone
"Despite the amount of time I was dedicating to exercise I wasn't achieving the results I wanted. Having Ryan there was great, he was an excellent motivator and ensured I achieved maximum results following each session. At the end of the 4 week programme I was so happy with the results. I felt stronger, fitter and much more toned!"
Successful people do the things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

Vipan & Helen Bhardwaj
General Practitioners
"The bottom-line is that he's an outstanding trainer and we thoroughly recommend him. He's an excellent motivator, having kept us training through a house-move, exams and changes of jobs..."

Helen Lodge
Mother of 2
"Ryan has really helped me to stay motivated and keep on track when the going gets tough and the will starts to wobble. I really appreciate his practical approach - no gimmicks here; a sensible diet and tailored training programme for lasting results."

Michael Palfrey
"Ryan is an excellent motivator without being a bully! He has an in depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology and, as a result, is able to provide well focussed and realistic training schedules which yield rapid and sustainable results..."

Trish Hare
Swimming Instructor
"I felt I had only half achieved my aim to get fit. I have to thank Ryan for his patience and humour cos without it I would not have achieved the results I got. I exceeded my goals and gained a great physique in time for my wedding."
Read more about Trish...
There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.

Richard Jones
"I've tried a lot of personal trainers, but Ryan is on another level. I thought I was going to be overweight for life and the old excuse of that I'm old and my metabolism is just too slow. What I liked about Ryan was his enthusiasm and his knowledge in both training techniques and diet. With him I lost a total of over 20 kilos (over 3 stone) and that includes the muscle mass I gained. My waistline went from 114cm (45 inches) to 88.7 cm (35 inches). It has made a tremendous impact on my life. I no longer have back pain, I feel more confident, and just feel so much healthier."

Suzanne Baily
Finance Director - Fireworks Studios Ltd
"Ryan has been great fun, very informative, and really helped to motivate me. I am really looking forward to the rest of my journey..."

Alan McGregor
"I recommend Ryan Philips as a personal trainer. Having worked with Ryan over the last few years, I have found him to be not only a great trainer and coach but always able to help you get motivated. As a professional he knows exactly how much to push to get the best results from clients whilst not over-doing it. He is also super organised both with his time with you and also in preparation for the next session. heartily recommend anyone to consider Ryan when deciding on a top-class fitness trainer."

Emma Harris
"Ryan is patient, motivational and challenging - the ideal mix in a personal trainer."
The secret to getting ahead is getting started.

Alexandre C
Marketing Manager
"I'm soon to reach 40 and worry about developing more serious medical problems down the line. I already have high blood pressure and pain in my knees due to my weight (I'm 30kg overweight). I just want to be in a better physical condition. I wasn't entirely sure how we'd achieve all this online but after going though the online registration forms and setting my goals I felt very positive. First we set up my meal plans during a Skype session. The next session we started the training program, on Skype in my living room. By day 30 I had lost 3.5kg but more importantly for me I had begun to change my lifestyle for the better. I starting to feel fitter and stronger. I was generally feeling better and more confident within myself."
Read more about Alexandre...

Laura Graven
"Ryan is a truly motivating trainer. He pushed me to my absolute limits resulting in me finishing each session with a real sense of achievement. I felt that the training we did was really tailored to my individual needs. He is also very kind and caring and went above and beyond to support me through the ups and downs of trying to loose weight and get fitter. As a woman I left each session feeling strong and empowered."

Penny Meadley
"The fact that I am still attending training sessions twice a week is quite surprising to me and is testament to Ryan's enthusiasm and motivational qualities..."
Little things make big things happen.

Samuel Mignot
Managing Director
"I very highly recommend working Ryan! Ryan has a unique vision, based on extremely precise studies and amazing years of experience, to help you reach your fitness goal. Not only he is a great coach to infuse you with energy to do the next push, but he is a very pleasant a fine buddy to work with!"

Angela Dunk
"I no longer have to deal with back ache on a daily basis and I feel better than I have done in years..."

Chris Moss
"My whole experience of training with Ryan is one of gratitude, motivation, confidence in my programme (and my ability) and overall enjoyment in being healthy, fit and strong..."

Alison Kerins Foster
Managing Director - Quality Point Ltd
"Great motivator and educator, friendly and approachable and easy to get on with..."
Start YOUR journey, get in touch today!

Joanne Winder
"The Statistics session every 4 weeks (as well as a weekly weigh in) definatly kept me on my toes and kept my enthusiasm high as I saw the results each month..."